Tee-Off at ARDA-Hawaii’s Annual Golf Tournament on September 19
The American Resort Development Association’s Hawaii Chapter (ARDA-Hawaii) will host its Tenth Annual Steve Hirano Memorial Classic Golf Tournament on Friday, September 19, 2014, at the Honolulu Country Club on the island of Oahu. The tournament proceeds benefit the Steve Hirano Memorial Scholarship Fund which offers scholarships for outstanding Travel Industry Management students at Hawaii Pacific University (HPU).
“ARDA-Hawaii’s annual golf tournament provides an excellent means to raise important scholarship funds for students while honoring the memory of public relations practitioner Steve Hirano for the invaluable contributions he made to advance the timeshare industry in Hawaii,” said Lane Uchimura, golf committee chair. “We invite golfers to come out and enjoy 18 holes of golf and camaraderie.” An awards banquet featuring first-rate raffle prizes will follow.
The tournament is a 3-person modified scramble best ball format with maximum handicaps of 24 for men and 36 for women. Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. and the shotgun start is at 11:00 a.m. The entry fee for a three-person team begins at $1,700. Higher-level tournament sponsorships are available and include additional benefits. Tournament participants must register by Wednesday, July 30, 2014. Registration is available online at
http://www.arda.org/HIgolf or by contacting Laurie Chang at (808) 441-6111 or lchang@ahfi.com.
The charitable golf event is just one of numerous projects conducted annually by ARDA-Hawaii in support of organizations and communities statewide.
ARDA-Hawaii is the local chapter of the American Resort Development Association, the national timeshare trade association. Timeshare units account for 13 percent of the state’s lodging inventory, which contributes thousands of jobs and millions of dollars to the state and local economy each year. Learn more about “Timeshare with Aloha” at www.ARDA.org or email Hawaii@arda.org.