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Hurricane Iselle Claimants with Zephyr Insurance Policies

Zephyr Insurance policyholders on the Big Island who have suffered hurricane damage to covered properties should contact their insurance agents to submit claims. Due to the large number of potential claimants, it is imperative that you submit the losses by email or fax the claim information rather than tie up phone lines.

If you are unable to reach your insurance agent, please email your loss information to our claim reporting center at Crawford & Company, Inc. (Crawford):
1) Email Zephyr@us.crawco.com

2) Toll-free Facsimile (888) 273-7503

3)Toll-free Telephone (800) 768-6002

After incurring a loss from a hurricane, please initiate the following:
1. Insure the safety of your family.
2. Report your loss. Report your damage to your insurance agent (phone number is normally on your Policy Declarations) or contact Zephyr’s claim call center at Crawford using one of the above methods.  You may use a copy of your policy declarations as an initial claims notification with other essential information that should include: 1) a phone number in which you can be reached; 2) a description of the loss (i.e. roof damage, total loss, etc.).
3. Take steps to protect property. Make temporary repairs to protect property from further damage or looting. Use only reputable contractors. Keep all receipts from materials and services.
4. Prepare for the Adjusters visit. Make a list of damaged items. If possible, take photographs of the damage, and put together a set of records (old receipts, bills and photographs). Don’t throw out any property, as the adjuster will want to see them.
Building damage: Make a list of everything you would like to show the adjuster when he/she arrives. Get written bids from reliable, licensed contractors on the repair work to help facilitate the claim process. Bids should include details of the materials to be used and prices on a line-by-line basis.
Once your claim is filed with our claim reporting service at Crawford, you should be contacted by a claims adjuster within 48 hours.
If you have a flood loss (rather than wind) or an auto claim please contact your insurance agent. These types of losses are not covered under your Zephyr policy.
If you are unable to locate your Zephyr policy information and are unsure of your insurance agency contact, please call our claim reporting center Crawford at 800-768-6002.


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